In the San Francisco Bay Area, the emergence of mustard wildflowers brings a burst of color and life to the hills, typically starting in February and lasting only through March. These wildflowers, scattered across the fields and parks of the East Bay, hold a special place in my heart for family photography.

Last February, I made sure to take my own children to one of the prettiest wildflower fields in our area and capture them during that stage of their lives.
While working with my clients, I often suggest choosing the mom’s outfits first. When there are only children, it’s best to start with an outfit you’re most excited about. I already had the most adorable floral romper for my then 1-year old, so I decided to select two older sisters’ outfits based on the colors in her romper.

My middle daughter is all about dress-up, so she loved the idea of a light pink tulle dress and an off-white knit cardigan. Styling my oldest was definitely the most difficult task. Sometimes, we do have to choose our battles with teenagers, don’t we?! So, cute light blue jeans and a comfortable top it was!
If you have older children who have specific taste or requirements for what they wear, it’s best to work with them, give them a choice between a few things that you think could work for the photoshoot, and allow them to make the final decision on their own. They’ll be more excited to wear the outfit and, likely, cooperate more during the session.

If these rainy days are any indication of the vastness of yellow flowers we are going to get in the next month or so, I’m super excited! If you are as mesmerized by mustard flowers and have always wanted a photoshoot in one of the fields, let me know A.S.A.P. HERE and we’ll start dreaming up your perfect family photo session!

Can’t wait to start this year’s wildflower field sessions in February! Hope to see you then!