When my two oldest daughters’ first birthdays snuck up on me, I found myself an emotional mess. Where did the time go?! As much as we wish time would slow down, the truth is our babies will grow up in the blink of an eye.
So this time around, with my third daughter, I started looking for ways to celebrate every fleeting moment as well as capture memories I would always want to remember – I started taking and printing baby’s first year photographs.
Here’s a list of baby’s big firsts as well as small details every parent will want to remember. Hopefully they will inspire you to capture your baby’s firsts as well.
- Favorite sleeping poses
Nothing’s quite as calming and sweet as watching your baby sleep. Every so often she will switch the way she loves to sleep and you’ll want to capture them at each stage.

- New Skills
Did your baby learn to balance on his tummy, push up, sit up, or made her first steps? Document them!

- Beloved items
Do you find putting certain pajamas or onesies on your baby even though they’ve been washed more than all the other clothes put together and your baby can hardly even fit in them? Don’t forget to snap a photo of your baby in her beloved outfit, even if her toes are poking out by now! Also capture his favorite first toys and soothing items.

- Mischief
Does she love to play a grab-and-drop game? Or does he enjoy plucking all the paper tissues from a box? Maybe she’ll find electric wires anywhere she goes? Take a picture! (And then double babyproof every room!)
- Expressions
For babies, expressions are a way to communicate their thoughts and feelings. For parents, they are a way to understand them, as well as a constant source of awe and amusement. List of baby expressions is endless, but here are some of the ones I like to watch out for and photograph: a smile, pout, stare, yawn, clenched fists, and more.

- Toothless/first teeth smiles
Nothing will light up your day like those first gummy grins. Make sure to write down what makes them smile or even laugh out loud.
- New foods
Whether you choose baby-led weaning or classic purees, the mess is guaranteed! As much as we may dread the cleanup, messy baby photos are the cutest!
- Bathtime
Babies love bathtime, splashing water and bursting soap bubbles bring out lots of giggles and create the best opportunity for photos.

- Siblings
If your baby has siblings, make sure to capture moments when they are intersecting, playing and taking care of their baby sister or brother.

I’m hoping time travel will be a thing within my lifetime, but meanwhile I’ll hold onto these photos to always remind me of the way my babies’ chubby fingers felt wrapped around mine, or the warmth of their soft heads against my chest.